Publishing Topology Completed with Errors - Microsoft.Rtc.Applications.TestBot
What is Testbot?
Testbot is the little fella that runs the Audio Test Service
You can see TestBot SIP Address woth the Lync Server Management Shell command:
OwnerUrn: urn:application:testbot
SipAddress: sip:RtcApplication-0e0e407a-6283-4c93-99fa-c0e252b8af09@lynclab.local
OK so that has also revealed the problem in my case, the SIP domain was renamed from .local to .com and it seems that TestBot now has an invalid SIP address.
Probably would have noticed other issues had I tried using the Audio TEst Service as that SIP address would be unreachable.
We will need to correct the TestBot SIP address in ADSIEdit.
Using the SIP address identity (from Get-CSAudioTestServiceApplication) we can search for the object.
Identity: CN={0e0e407a-6283-4c93-99fa-c0e252b8af09},CN=Application Contacts,CN=RTC Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=local
- Open the ADSI Editor.
- Right click ADSI Edit and select Connect To, and then select Configuration from the "Select a well known Naming Context list" and click ok.
- Click on node CN={46577062-9cae-404b-b89c-a3d39511e4cc}, CN=Application Contacts, CN=RTC Service, CN=Service, CN=Configuration, DC=lynclab, DC=local, and then right click this node and then select properties.
- Choose the msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress attributes, and change the domain part of value to:
- Log on to your Lync front end server and restart Audio Test Service. Once the service has been restarted, try a test call from Lync client.
You should no longer have issues publishing the Topology either.
The CN attributes, GUID's and domain names used are from my Lab so please replace with your own.
The CN attributes, GUID's and domain names used are from my Lab so please replace with your own.